Fall 2013 - Item detail

1909-1911 T206 White Border Near-Complete SGC-Graded Set (519 of 524): #9 SGC Registry!

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2013 Fall
Lot #:
Presented is the ninth highest-graded T206 set on the SGC Registry, a total of 519 cards, offered as a single lot. The completion of any T206 set is an extraordinary achievement. This is an exceptionally attractive high-quality complete set. The entire set (missing only the "Big 4" plus the O'Hara, St. Louis variation) is graded and encapsulated by SGC. The grade point average is 42.26. The set includes one EX/NM 80, four EX+ 70, sixty-five EX 60, three VG/EX+ 55, 132 VG/EX 50, eleven VG+ 45, 164 VG 40, seven GOOD+ 35, 100 GOOD 30, thirty FAIR 20, and two Authentic. There is little need for a formal introduction to the T206 White Borders set, the single most important and highly collected issue among all tobacco and all vintage cards. This is an extremely attractive and clean near-complete set of 519 cards. The cards span all grades and include many significant condition highlights; the entire set has tremendous eye-appeal across the board and even the lesser-graded cards are very pleasing and exhibit bright colors and crisp focus. This is a very carefully assembled set put together by a dedicated collector over a period of many years. It would be a challenge in any era to assemble such an attractive T206 set, and all the more challenging to find a set of this extraordinary quality already assembled and available for sale as a unit today. Any T206 set, of course, naturally has a tremendous "break value" and most quality sets are broken up and sold individually. The T206 set is highlighted by seventy-four Hall of Famers, including all four Ty Cobb cards, three Christy Mathewsons, two Walter Johnsons, and three Cy Youngs, as well as many rarities. The near-set includes the rare Demmitt/St. Louis and Elberfeld/port. (Wash.) variations, and, of course, the forty-eight scarce Southern League series cards. This is a beautiful T206 set in a particularly desirable grade offering an exceptional value.

The individual grades for the entire set can easily be accessed online on the SGC Registry through the following link: http://tinyurl.com/mkgml3x. For convenience, we are also providing here the grades of all seventy-four Hall of Famers and additional key cards: SGC grading composite: One SGC EX/NM 80: Murphy/batting. Four SGC EX+ 70: Evers/with bat - Chicago, Mathewson/dark cap, Stone, and Young/bare hand. Sixty-five SGC EX 60: including Baker, Chase/dark cap, Griffith/port., Jennings/one hand, Jennings/port., Mathewson/white cap, and Jordan (Southern Leaguer). Three VG/EX+ 55: Camnitz/hands above head, Rudolph, and I. Young. 132 SGC VG/EX 50: including Bresnahan/port., Brown/Chicago, Chase/holding trophy, Chase/port., Chase/white cap, Crawford/throwing, Evers/Cubs, Huggins/port., Kleinow/Boston, Marquard/follow-through, McGraw/finger in air, McGraw/glove at hip, Willis/throwing, Young/port., and three Southern Leaguers (Miller, Lipe, and White). Eleven VG+ 45: including Bastian (Southern Leaguer). 164 VG 40: including Beckley, Bender/port., Bender/trees, Bresnahan/with bat, G. Browne (Wash.), Chance/red, G. Davis, Doyle/N.Y. - hands above head, Evers/port., Gandil (Black Sox), Huggins/hands at mouth, Johnson/hands at chest, Joss/pitching, Keeler/with bat, Kelley, Lajoie/throwing, McGinnity, McGraw/cap, Speaker, Tinker/hands on knees, Wheat, Willis/port., Young/glove shows, and fourteen Southern Leaguers (Breitenstein, Carey, Coles, Guiheen, Hart, Hickman, Kiernan, Molesworth, Mullaney, Orth, Otey, Paige, Stark, and Thebo). Seven GOOD+ 35: including Crawford/with bat and two Southern Leaguers (Bernhard and Foster). 100 GOOD 30: including Bender/no trees, Brown/port., Brown/Cubs, Chase/pink, Chesbro, Cicotte (Black Sox), Clarke/holding bat, Clarke/port., Cobb/bat on (Sovereign 350), Cobb/bat off, J. Collins, Demmitt/St. Louis, Duffy, Flick, Johnson/port., Keeler/port., Lajoie/port., Lajoie/with bat (Polar Bear), Lundgren/Chicago, Marquard/hands at thighs (Sovereign 150), Mathewson/port., Smith/Chicago & Boston (Polar Bear), Tinker/bat on (Sovereign 460), Tinker/bat off, Tinker/port., Waddell/port., Waddell/throwing, and twenty Southern Leaguers (Bay, Cranston, Ellam, Fritz, Greminger, Hooker, Howard, King, Lafitte, Lentz, Manion, Reagan, Rockenfeld, Ryan, Seitz, C. Smith, S. Smith, Thornton, Violat, and Westlake). Thirty FAIR 20: including Chance/batting, Chance/yellow (Polar Bear), Cobb/red, E. Collins, Dahlen/Brooklyn, Elberfeld/Wash. - port., Griffith/batting, Joss/port., Marquard/port., McGraw/no cap, Wallace, Walsh, Willis/with bat, and six Southern Leaguers (B. Hart, Helm, McCauley, Perdue, Persons, and Shaughnessy). Two Authentic: Cobb/green and Revelle (Southern Leaguer). This is a set with tremendous eye-appeal, extremely consistent throughout, with many strong examples among the accurate condition composite and individual grades listed above. Classic T206 cards in the VG to EX range, of which more than 70% of this set is comprised, represent one of the most outstanding values in all vintage-card collecting. This is a beautiful near-complete set of T206 White Borders, the most popular and classic set of the era, in an extremely desirable overall grade. The equivalent SMR value for this collection (factoring in the fifty-four half-grade cards at the lower whole-grade level and not including the two cards encapsulated as Authentic) is $50,551. Total: 519 cards. Reserve $15,000. Estimate $30,000++. SOLD FOR $44,438